"We Reap What We Sow"
previous chapter of “Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” book, I try to explain how this book is profound and what people mention for this book. Today, I will explain more for Law number 1 - 3.
The Law of Pure Potentiality
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Author has well understand both Hindu and Buddhist. More than that, he also understand in science because he is a doctor. So you might feel when reading that you are reading same concept of Hindu or Buddhist.
For the law of pure potentiality, everyone on earth already have this potentiality however we are forgot or don’t know how to access to the source. And most of us are still focusing on the wrong path to the ego such as title, good salary or fame, etc. Which of these things are not last. Then, Deepak Chopra told us how to practice this law. That is Meditation.
The Law of Giving
Or we can say “The law of Giving & Receiving”. The author use really good example to explain this law. Let’s think about blood circulation in the body that will always have exchange, movement. Our life is the same, we cannot live without exchange. More than that, the giving and receiving law in this book is not only the object but also including giving happiness, goodwill, wish, etc. The last topic in this law is practice.
The law of Karma or Cause and Effect
Whether we believe it or not, whether we like it or not. But what makes us as it is today because of we have done in the past. If you want to give good results, we must do better...Yeah, but what makes this book special. When we do something that came from our decision. Now, the decision for most people do not use consciousness in choosing.
Then the author tell us some nature method for choosing. We can use our body with consciousness when we want to decision something. For example, If we try to think, if you choose this will be. Then try to notice your body feel warm or feel bad. Most of the people who will feel this is easy when they focus at heart. Then at the end of the chapter As always, you have to practice.
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